In fact, some answers to these questions were debated at the 10th edition of the CARO workshop organized by Avira in Bucharest, Romania on May 19-20. CARO stands for Computer Antivirus Research Organization and it has been established in 1990 by a few tech passionate people who knew where the world was heading to.
The main theme of this year’s edition was “War of the machines” and it had been strongly represented by topics such as security and privacy risks in the Internet of Things (IoT) or large-scale malware classification using Machine learning. The session of presentations was opened by Dr. Ashkan Fardost who is a scientist and global speaker with appearances including TEDxBerlin or the New York University. His speech dealt with how the rapid progress of technology affects societies, industries and our roles as human beings in an ever-faster changing world.
CARO 2016: the Klaus Brunnstein Award
During the two days, major names in the security field presented their findings and debated the threats which surround us in the “smart” world we are living in. One of the most impressive moments was the Klaus Brunnstein Award Ceremony which opened the last day of the event. Dr. Vesselin Bontchev, a well-known researcher and a very close friend of Klaus Brunnstein, one of the founders of CARO, offered the distinction to Bushra Alahmadi, an Oxford student, for her analysis on “Malware Classification Using Network Sequence Mining”.
Overall, this year’s workshop achieved its goal of reuniting important discoveries in the industry so that security companies continue to develop various technologies and protect people around the world.
To highlight the main idea of the conference, we should not forget that the IoT era might come along with a very big threat to our privacy and keep in mind that sometimes progress can involve more security risks and less independency.